The #1 Thing That Destroys Relationships


It’s hard to pinpoint a single thing that universally destroys relationships, as relationships are complex and unique to the individuals involved. However, one common factor that can severely undermine a relationship is a lack of trust.

Lack of Trust: The Potential Relationship Destroyer

Why It’s Damaging:

  1. Erodes Communication: Trust is the foundation for open and honest communication. Without it, partners may withhold feelings, thoughts, or concerns, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  2. Creates Insecurity: Lack of trust can create constant doubt and fear of betrayal, leading to jealousy, anxiety, and other destructive emotions.
  3. Prevents Genuine Connection: Trust allows partners to be vulnerable with each other, fostering intimacy and connection. Without trust, it’s difficult to build a deep, meaningful relationship.
  4. Leads to Control Issues: Mistrust may lead one partner to try to control the other’s actions, which can cause resentment and further erode the relationship.

What Can Cause a Lack of Trust:

  1. Past Betrayals or Hurt: Previous experiences of betrayal in the relationship or past relationships can make trust difficult to build or rebuild.
  2. Unresolved Conflicts: Ongoing conflicts or issues that are never addressed can undermine trust over time.
  3. Inconsistent Words and Actions: Saying one thing and doing another can create confusion and mistrust.
  4. Personal Insecurities: Personal insecurities and fears can also lead to a lack of trust, even if a partner has not done anything to warrant mistrust.

How to Build or Rebuild Trust:

  1. Communicate Openly: Honest and open communication about feelings, expectations, and concerns can foster understanding and trust.
  2. Consistent Actions: Actions that align with words help build credibility and trust.
  3. Work Through Issues Together: Addressing and resolving conflicts or concerns together shows commitment to the relationship and can rebuild trust.
  4. Consider Professional Help if Needed: Sometimes, professional counseling or therapy is needed to rebuild trust, especially if there has been a significant betrayal.


While other factors like poor communication, incompatibility, and unmet needs can certainly harm a relationship, a lack of trust often underlies many of these issues. Building and maintaining trust requires ongoing effort, honesty, empathy, and commitment from both partners. If trust has been broken, it can often be rebuilt, but it requires intentional effort and sometimes professional support.